Asia Smack
Showing posts with the label IndonesiaShow All
Underwear And Bras Are Scattered On Mount Sanggabuana Which Is Believed To Be Performed For Rituals

Mount Sanggabuana in Karawang, West Java Indonesia, is a favorite place for visitors to throw away their underwear and bras. Perhaps, they believe that this mountain is a sacred place and by throwing on their underwear and bras after certain ceremonies probably their…

Actors Told His Ex Wife Vagina Smell Like Salted Fish

An Indonesian actor Galih Ginanjar spoke about his sexual experience with his an actress ex-wife, Fairuz A in YouTube channel Rey Utami & Benua, on Jun 16, 2019. The actor claimed he could not enjoy the intercourse with Fairuz and it only took 15 minutes i…

Australian Tourist Has Sparked Outrage In Bali By Wearing Ripped Jeans

An Australian tourist has sparked outrage in Bali by wearing a bizarre pair of ripped jeans that showed off her underwear. The video shows the woman peruse handicrafts in a crowded souvenir shop on a busy street. The local said the woman shouldn't have been show…

Corpse Fail

I don't know whether this video fake or not, but this incident was happened in Indonesia, when the corpse suddenly fell into the river when the people whose caring the corpse could not balance themselves, perhaps encounter with a ghost?

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