Chinese Women Ride Electric Bags And Fined


The woman, whose full name is unknown, was traveling with a wheeled, electric-powered suitcase on the streets of Shanghai (China) to the intersection when she was stopped by traffic police. The woman sitting on a suitcase trying to convince two police officers that this is the best way for her to get to work.

However, police warned that she was endangering other road users. It is unclear whether the woman understood that her behavior was a violation of traffic safety regulations, but she drove the suitcase on the road until stopped by the police.

The woman continued to argue with the police, even asking if they could take her to work. She continued to be warned and fined.

Police said electric wheeled suitcases are not allowed on the streets, because they are not vehicles, nor are they non-motorized vehicles like bicycles. They added that the device should only be used indoors or in enclosed street areas in apartment complexes.

Electric wheeled suitcases have become popular in China recently, with an average price of about 2,000 yuan each. Many people use this device to travel at the airport, or shop in supermarkets.

Because there are no specific regulations for this type of suitcase, the management policies of airlines and trains are often different. Some airlines allow passengers to bring this type of suitcase on the plane, as long as the size is no more than 50cm and no battery is attached. 

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